The Beaches Educational Foundation began as the shared idea of local businessmen and educators. The concept was to develop a nonprofit foundation that would be able to provide financial assistance to academically capable students at Fletcher High School who, because of financial difficulties, might not otherwise be able to attend college. In the Spring of 1984, this group began to meet informally to explore the formation of such an organization for the purposes of acomplishing their mission. Included in this group of educators were Coach Jack Taylor, Dr. Jim Ragans, and Coach John "Wimpy" Sutton. Businessmen and professionals who were involved in the early planning stages were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler and Fletcher graduates Robert Parrish, Raymond Wingate, and Kurt Simpson.
After many hours of meetings, the one central theme that continued to permeate all discussions was that the Beaches communities have and should continue to "take care of their own." The group immediately recognized the need to include the entire community if this ambitious undertaking was to succeed. This new nonprofit organization emerged and immediately gathered support from virtually every walk of life: from businessmen, educators, professionals, parents, students, and the PTSA's of the Beaches schools.