The Beaches Educational Foundation, Inc. has received from the Internal Revenue Service, formal recognition of its tax exempt status. All donations to the Foundation are tax deductable. Click "Donate now" link above to donate today. You will be redirected to a page where you can make a donation using your PayPal account or you may use your credit card without setting up a PayPal account (if you need help with this option click here). The Students of the Beaches appreciate your support!
The original goal continues to be raising, through voluntary contributions, a sum of money large enough so that its interest growth alone can provide at least one scholarship annually to a deserving Duncan U. Fletcher High School Graduate, who has demonstrated the ability to be successful in a post-secondary course of study. These donations are placed into a secure, high interest-bearing account, the intrest from which will be used to provide a substantial scholarship amount for the student over a four-year period. By using this method, the Beaches Educational Foundation insured that its scholarship program can continue into perpetuity.